Saturday, April 17, 2010


In life it seems inevitble that we will fall short of expectations. In a sense, no one could ever ALWAYS be happy with EVERY turn out. However, I have recently learned that although we may not seemingly get what we want, If we truly to uncover the purpose of why we got what we have, or got to where we currently reside,then happiness has no choice but to fall onto our paths and into our lives.

A few thoughts I've created to help me get through the days:)

  • Once hope is lost, the feasibility to succeed is lost.
  • The comfort of one person alone can either be destructive or let someone hold such great ability to hurt you, also gives them the incentive to love you.
  • realizing a mistake is only part of correcting it, taking the initiative to change is the rest.

Things we can not control, we should not let control us...if we do, we will only be bowing down to adversity and merely surrendering. 


  1. Wow.. That was deep and weird all at the same time!!LOL! I love your gutts and the way you write!! Its soo.. Umm.. I can't think of a big word to use at the moment but when I do I will let you know!! I love you sis!!

  2. Sis, this is really good! What's really going on in your life these days! Lol Lala is such a nerd! Lol A big word for this post would be.. I'll ley you know when I think of one too! Lol Love you!
